Streaming Data through HTTP with Haskell
misc ?? Comments Sat 30 April 2016 Chris PerivolaropoulosSo I wanted to do some processing on wikipedia articles but I don't have enough disk space to download them first and process them later, it needs to be on-the-fly. Fortunately they are stored bziped which means they are compressed at the block level and I don't need the last byte to know what the first one means. So I begun by finding a way to stream data. I struggled with Conduit a bit but then I stumbled upon a much simpler solution:
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
url = ""
printLen bytes = putStrLn $ "Got bytes: " ++ (show $ BS.length bytes)
getResp :: String -> IO ()
getResp url = do
man <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
req <- parseUrl url
withResponse req man $ \res -> do
putStrLn "Got a response, now streaming..."
fix $ \loop -> do
bytes <- brRead $ responseBody res
if BS.null bytes then putStrLn "Done!" else do
putStrLn $ "Got " ++ show (BS.length bytes) ++ " but will ignore"
main = do
getResp url
This just downloads the data, I haven't yet looked into actually decompressing. My plan is to convert this fixpoint call into a conduit and pipe the data trhough uncompression -- the conduit xml parser that is quite neat -- whatever processing I want. Fingers crossed.